BruhElement site in some kind of 90's style!

hi henlo!!

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Hi, fellow internet stranger!

So this is basically just an experiment with my old pc, running on Windows 98. I made this site because I am interested in some old stuff that I find on internet. So recently I found out about this FrontPage thing from Michael MJD video and... I got excited, i guess! So this brings us to this moment of time, where I'm writing this box of text in my house on my pretty old chair, watching that video about FrontPage and learning some stuff! Anyway, I'm really hoping to become a game developer of some sorts, but as of now, I don't really have much time to learn about unity, godot and all of that stuff because there's a lot of exams and a lot of that stuff. I'm also hoping to relearn my guitar skills this summer for no actual reason. Also recently started playing some Honkai Star Rail, it is pretty cool. I really liking the OST there, especially the song Wildfire.

Anyway, I probably going to add more on this website sometime, but for now I think this is enough. Maybe I will add some pages about myself, some anime that I watched and all of that stuff. For now, I'm kinda lazy (don't judge me), so maybe i will come back to this site sooner or later.

Now I'm going to put some buttons here if you don't mind!

Come back soon!

And remember, this site is forever

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